Business ethics and social diligence

ISO 14001 | ISO 45001 | ISO 50001

Three Certifications for our hotel.
The NJV ATHENS PLAZA Hotel, having formulated a targeted management strategy regarding the environment and energy, society and its Human Resources, is proud to have received 3 important certifications:

GSTC Certificate: Global sustainable standards

ISO 14001: Environmental management systems

Environmental and Energy Policy

ISO 45001: Health and safety at work

Health and Safety Policy

ISO 50001: Energy Performance System

Environmental and Energy Policy

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management

Our Hotel, being aware of the importance of environmental protection and the impact that the tourism sector has both locally and globally, has adopted a series of procedures that assess and control the environmental influence of its activities.

Based on these procedures, best environmental practices have been established, continuous training and information of the Staff on these issues is carried out, while the Hotel's partners/suppliers are ISO 14001 certified or follow environmentally friendly practices.


-Staff is informed on environmental impact of the hotel and their actions in relation to the company, e.g. impact of staff travel to and from the hotel, split shifts, etc.
-Use of local products to support local economy and minimize impact to the environment by lessening transport use.
-Efficient food processes for storing, refrigerating and freezing goods to match as closely as possible customer's demands, thus reducing environmental impact.
-Use of recyclable products from suppliers who are ISO 14001 certified, or have environmental aspirations.
-Establishing best practice by intelligent use of heating and cooling of unoccupied rooms and areas, energy-efficient lightbulbs, etc.
-Waste management, including storing, disposing and recording of waste and training personnel.

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety

Aiming at the safety and satisfaction of Human Resources in the workplace, we identify, analyze, assess and prevent the risks that affect it, in order to take appropriate measures and provide a safe and healthy working environment.

We believe that a safe and calm working environment is a necessary ingredient for the ideal stay of our guests.


-Increase of productivity by reducing workplace injuries, incidents and illness.
-Improvement of processes by identifying risks and hazards in hotel's workplace.
-Improves customer satisfaction.
-Creates employee satisfaction and empathy with their workplace.

ISO 50001 - Energy Management

Having determined our energy profile, we have set specific energy targets, developed an energy monitoring plan and managed our energy consumption.

Thanks to the diligent execution of daily tasks, we have established a corporate policy, adopting good energy management practices, we reduce waste and limit pollution every day, offering accommodation that respects people and the environment.


-Increase employee awareness of energy issues.
-Encourage behavioral changes to support energy management.
-Develop achievable energy performance targets.
-Energy saving by identifying equipment with the greatest energy use.
-Reduction of CO2 emissions to achieve the hotel's carbon reduction goal.
-Effective operation of the hotel by making process optimization part of the everyday culture.

ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is the first global model for corporate social responsibility. The rewarding of CSR practices reflected in the fact that we have been certified by TUV AUSTRIA with ISO 26000.

ISO 22000

The Food Safety Management System standard ISO 22000 incorporates HACCP and other preventive standards aiming to assure and certify the safety and health of the food we produce and distribute. By applying ISO 22000, we ensure the reduction and elimination of food safety risks as a means to protect our consumer's health. This certification is being ensured through a series of strict control procedures by the internationally distinguished certification agency Lloyd's, which furthermore, continuously improves our food safety processes and communication throughout the supply chain, increasing stakeholder confidence and providing transparency.

Greek Breakfast

NJV Athens Plaza is certified by the Greek Chamber of Commerce with "Greek Breakfast". This certification is a structured program, which requires strict observance of specific parameters to ensure the quality and authenticity of the products and recipes offered.